Saturday, December 2, 2017

Christ All in All: Christ is our Wisdom

I'm reading a series of sermons by Philip Henry (Matthew Henry the Bible Commentator's father), and thought I would share some quotes as I go along. Using the book "Christ All in All" as a devotional, I'm reading just one sermon a day, but each one is full of rich doctrine!

But of Him are ye in Christ Jesus, who of God is made unto us wisdom. 
                                                                        —1 CORINTHIANS 1:30

If Christ be made unto us wisdom, we have chosen God for our chief good and highest end and the Lord Jesus Christ as our alone way to Him.

If we prosper and thrive in the world, there is need of wisdom to manage it so that we be not ensnared, not destroyed by it. If in affliction, it is necessary that we may keep the mean between fainting and despising. If reproached, reviled persecuted, to carry it as we ought toward our persecutors, with meekness and yet with courage.

If we pray, we need wisdom that we do not ask amiss. If we hear the word, we need wisdom that we may discern between wheat and chaff, that we may take our own portion. If we wish to reprove, we need wisdom to know when, how. If to reconcile differences, if to manage good discourse, to attend our particular calling, so as not to entrench one our general calling, to keep the world in its due place—we require wisdom in all.

How is it to be supplied? I told you: by having recourse to the blessed Jesus in a humble sense of our need. We must pray, as Paul. We must study the Word...when that speaks, Christ speaks. 

We must then believe, put on Christ, learn Christ, walk in Christ, which is the certain way to be made wise.

Here is a matter of unspeakable comfort to all true believers, that Jesus Christ is made wisdom, that is, as some interpret it, that all that infinite wisdom that is in Him as God, and all that infused wisdom which He had as God-man wherein He grew, is all made over to us to be employed for our good.

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