Saturday, October 28, 2017

Christ All in All: Christ is our Passover

I'm reading a series of sermons by Philip Henry (Matthew Henry the Bible Commentator's father), and thought I would share some quotes as I go along. Using the book "Christ All in All" as a devotional, I'm reading just one sermon a day, but each one is full of rich doctrine!

For even Christ our passover is sacrificed for us: therefore let us keep the feast, not with old leaven, neither with the leaven of malice and wickedness; but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth.                                                                                                                      — 1 Corinthians 5:7-8

"Christ is not the feast, but forasmuch as there was a command about a lamb, called the passover lamb...Jesus Christ is that lamb, called by a figure here, "the passover."

"Christ was chosen out of the people and set apart from all eternity in the decree and counsel of God to be a prince and a savior."

"Christ our Passover was a bloody sacrifice. His life went for it. He made His body an offering. He made His soul an offering, and the design thereof was to make peace."

"Let us feed heartily and plentifully on this blessed Lamb, not poorly and sparingly. We ought every day to feast our souls on Jesus Christ, on His merit and righteousness, on His flesh and blood spiritually, on His Word, His promises, the manna, the hidden manna. I say, every day, by fresh acts of faith. Not on Sabbath days only or sacrament days only, but every day."

Saturday, October 21, 2017

Christ All in All: Christ is our Peace

I'm reading a series of sermons by Philip Henry (Matthew Henry the Bible Commentator's father), and thought I would share some quotes as I go along. Using the book "Christ All in All" as a devotional, I'm reading just one sermon a day, but each one is full of rich doctrine!

For He is our peace, who hath made both one, and hath broken down the middle wall of partition between us.                                                                                                         —EPHESIANS 2:14


Peace is threefold. There is peace with God, peace within ourselves, and peace with one another. And in all these, Jesus Christ is our peace. Not only a friend to it, but the thing itself.


If Christ be our peace and have made peace, there is always care to keep the peace. If any new matter of controversy arise, as soon as the heart smites, which it will do quickly, and we are made sensible of it, there will be no rest in the spirit till the divine favor be recovered again. Guilt in the soul is like a mote in the eye—not at ease until wept out.


It were a desirable thing that all who fear God in the land, in the neighborhood were at peace among themselves, for as for peace with wicked men, it will never be while the world stands...but how happy were it if all good people were at peace, if all their enmities were at an end! The Savior left this blessing as a legacy, pressed it, prayed for it.


Christ is our peace within ourselves in our own bosom. We commonly call this peace of conscience. It is an inward, sedate, composed, cheerful frame of spirit at all times and in all conditions. Now the blessed Jesus is this also.


Saturday, October 14, 2017

Christ All in All: Christ is our Life

I'm reading a series of sermons by Philip Henry (Matthew Henry the Bible Commentator's father), and thought I would share some quotes as I go along. Using the book "Christ All in All" as a devotional, I'm reading just one sermon a day, but each one is full of rich doctrine!

When Christ, who is our life, shall appear, then shall ye also appear with him in glory.
                                                                                                              —Colossians 3:4

"While soul and body are together, we live. When they part, we die. Now who brought them together, who keeps them together? Jesus Christ. Then He is our natural life."

"Spiritual life is the life of the soul flowing from its union with God. When God and the soul come together, the soul lives, When they part, it dies. Your soul is but the carcass of a soul if it have not union with God. Now there is no union with God but by Jesus Christ."

"Life spiritual, the life of grace, is life eternal, the life of glory begun. And life eternal, the life of glory, is life spiritual, the life of grace perfected. They differ as the child's life and the man's life; as the morning sun from the noon sun; as the spring from the summer, the budding rose from the blown rose."

"Presume not, neither say, "I will tomorrow," for tomorrow is none of ours. The uncertainty of the continuance of life natural should make us hasten to secure life spiritual and life eternal."

Saturday, October 7, 2017

Christ All in All: Christ is our Light

I'm reading a series of sermons by Philip Henry (Matthew Henry the Bible Commentator's father), and thought I would share some quotes as I go along. Using the book "Christ All in All" as a devotional, I'm reading just one sermon a day, but each one is full of rich doctrine!

I am come a light into the world, that whosoever believeth on me should not abide in darkness. 
                                                                                                                                  —John 12:46

"Candles are not seen, no, nor stars nor the moon itself when the sun shines. Their light disappears. So are all other things eclipsed by the Savior. Oh, then let this advance your esteem of Him more and more. You may think too highly of others, but not of Him. Either He will be uppermost, or nothing."

"What light the moon and planets have, they derive it all from the sun. They have none of their own further than he communicates. So Jesus Christ is the springhead and fountain from whence every good and perfect gift comes."

"Wherein lies the misery of a blind and dark condition? It is very uncomfortable. Light is sweet and pleasant; so is knowledge in the things of God. Ask those that have it. They will tell you that they would not be without if for a world. This pleasure you have none of. Sermons are like the white of an egg to you, without savor, without relish."

"We have cause to bless God every day for the light of the sun. What a dungeon were the world without it! The moon and all the stars, as many as they are, cannot do that which one sun does. So saints and angels and all the creatures put together are nothing without Christ. Therefore, thank God, above all, for the unspeakable gift."

"As Christ is the light of the world, so you also are the light of the world. Let your light be growing and increasing more and more, especially concerning the evil of sin, the weakness of self, the excellency of Christ, the beauty of holiness, the vanity of this world, the reality of the other world."