Saturday, September 30, 2017

Christ All in All: Christ is our Righteousness

I'm reading a series of sermons by Philip Henry (Matthew Henry the Bible Commentator's father), and thought I would share some quotes as I go along. Using the book "Christ All in All" as a devotional, I'm reading just one sermon a day, but each one is full of rich doctrine!

And this is his name whereby he shall be called, THE LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS.                                                                                                              —JEREMIAH 23:6

 "It is by and through Him alone that we are justified—that is, acquitted from guilt and accepted into favor."

"The grace and favor of God is the creature's happiness—want that, and want all; have that, and have all. Now there can be no hope of this favor but in a by Jesus Christ. The holy God will admit of none into His friendship or fellowship but those to whom Jesus Christ is made righteousness."

"Because Christ is God, who wrought it out and brought it in for us, it is not a man's righteousness, poor and weak and insufficient, but a God's righteousness."

"Till we have called Jesus Christ "the Lord our righteousness," ours is a dismal, dark condition. When we call the Lord our righteousness, then He rises on our souls as a sun of righteousness, and that which follows is the light of comfort and peace and joy—such joy as none knows but they that feel it."

"When we have well done, after some good work, pride of heart rises, and we begin to expect from God as if we were something. No, Jesus Christ is the Lord my righteousness. I am an unprofitable servant when I have done all."

Saturday, September 23, 2017

Christ All in All: Christ is our Refuge

I'm reading a series of sermons by Philip Henry (Matthew Henry the Bible Commentator's father), and thought I would share some quotes as I go along. Using the book "Christ All in All" as a devotional, I'm reading just one sermon a day, but each one is full of rich doctrine!

A refuge is that which men are wont in times of trouble or danger to betake themselves to for safety or supply, promising themselves that there they will have it.
Besides what present evils we meet with, there are others that we have prospect of, afar off. And many times, the very fear of them is more grievous than they themselves are when they come. Now against these, also, Christ Jesus is and ought to be a Christian's refuge.
[Christ] is a refuge in all cases, inward or outward, bodily or spiritual. Let the offence be what it will, He has merit for the pardon of it. Let the temptation be what it may, He has strength to overcome it. Let the danger be ever so threatening, He can save from it.
Your consolation should be strong consolation, that have fled for refuge—that is, too strong for all your doubts and fears, prevailing against them and over them. No life is so sweet as theirs that make Christ their refuge at all times in all things.

Saturday, September 16, 2017

Christ All in All: Christ is Our Hope

I'm reading a series of sermons by Philip Henry (Matthew Henry the Bible Commentator's father), and thought I would share some quotes as I go along. Using the book "Christ All in All" as a devotional, I'm reading just one sermon a day, but each one is full of rich doctrine!


The saints of God are people of great hopes...They trade not, as the men of the world do, for pebbles but for rich pearls; for a kingdom, an eternal kingdom.


What in Jesus Christ do we make the grounds of our hope touching all these things? There is nothing of all these blessings and benefits but what he has expressly told us in His holy Word will be certainly conferred on us, if we will believe in Him and be ruled by Him. But may we trust Him? Is He faithful? Will He not deceive us? I answer: There is no danger. Had you as many souls as you had hairs on your head, you might venture them all on His bare word. But for our more abundant consolation we have His oath, His bond with two seals.


He is Jesus, a savior, one raised up on purpose to bring people to heaven. The very name encourages hope.


He is Lord; Jehovah, blessed forever; King of kings and Lord of lords; almighty in power; able to save. Other hopes are weak and unable. 


Try your hopes and be sure they be right, else expect disappointment. How were they wrought? If born with you, and you never did otherwise than hope, suspect that hope. The foundation of good hope is laid in a kind of despair—no hope in the way I am in, therefore I must have a better foundation.

Thursday, September 14, 2017

A Grand Day Out (The Big Family Way)

A trip to the grocery store, when you have 10 children, becomes An Occasion, with a capital A and a capital O. For one thing, we always have a ton of stuff to buy, since there are so many of us, so we require multiple carts, and much to-ing and fro-ing between the isles. It is also more cost effective to buy in bulk, so rather than the local grocery chain, we haul all the way out to Costco, or some other wholesale supplier.

As always, we have implemented certain rules to assist the smoothness of this process: no touching any merchandise (sometimes we were absolutely required to walk along with our hands folded behind our backs), and no asking to buy things. (One child might ask for one candy bar. Ten children, ten candy bars. One child, one toy. Ten children, ten toys. Both the price and the storage space at home quickly become prohibitive.)

We did not however, lack for entertainment as we trailed along behind the cart, attempting to avoid stepping on one another's heels and toes. (Or stepping on them purposefully, depending on the temperament of the child). We took great interest in arranging ourselves into what we considered to be the most decorative formations: generally a judiciously spaced single file (which made our number appear even greater), shortest to tallest. This kept the youngest children near Mother, while creating a sweeping upward curve effect for the people who came towards us, most pleasing to the eye.

Occasionally, a child (usually one of us girls!) who had been recently over-topped by a sprouting younger sibling made some protest about their demotion, but in the end dignity was sacrificed to artistic rigor. The oldest siblings took charge of this display, and we did our best to instill a sense of discipline into the unruly members of the family, to keep the line straight. We also attempted to introduce marching as part of the procession, but this was a failure, overall. We do not have a very good sense of rhythm, and we were prohibited from calling out the steps to keep time. It may be that our vigorous "HUT-TWO-THREE-FOUR" or the command "You, there! Dress up that line!" distracted our Beloved Parent from her gathering of food for her household.

Indeed, at times she seemed rather flustered to check behind her and see us parading solemnly along in a column, attracting rather a lot of attention from other shoppers. Often and often, we spoke among ourselves of waving or saluting to people as we went by, but we never quite dared. There are limits, after all. We would, however, assist those who were obviously trying to count, by spreading all our fingers in the air, or whispering "ten" as we passed.

All this is very well for the grocery store, but there are some outings—such as the zoo, an amusement park, or a conference—where it is impossible to keep us in line at all times, and different measures are called for. In such cases, the Matching Outfits come into play.

First, Mom bought a bunch of yellow t-shirts. Though entirely unsuited to the family complexion, we wore the horrible, mustard-coloured things until we outgrew them, or they wore out. They were replaced with orange shirts, which were slightly better. In due course those wore out, and were replaced with red.

This color, we quickly discovered, was not striking enough. You may have never noticed anyone wearing a solid red t-shirt, but I can assure you that once your entire family is clothed in red, you are instantly aware of the hundred other people also dressed in red, which quite spoils the effect, besides making it more difficult to count your children, rather than less. We discarded the red shirts, and for a season experimented with matching lime green handkerchiefs around our necks, though by this time we were all old enough not to wander off, and the system was becoming less necessary.

The t-shirts worked fairly well, in making us conspicuous and easy for parents to spot. We have had children returned to us by strangers, with the comment, "This must belong to you", when we are all matching, and we have successfully retrieved children without panic from distances of over three hundred feet. Due to our climate, however, we are often wearing jackets or coats when we go out, and this decreases the efficiency of the system.

At the present time, we have expanded the scheme to include our cousins, and the shirt colour has changed to blue, in support of the Cousin County football/baseball/basketball/volleyball team (The Cousin County Canines).

Saturday, September 9, 2017

Christ All in All: Christ is the Head

I'm reading a series of sermons by Philip Henry (Matthew Henry the Bible Commentator's father), and thought I would share some quotes as I go along. Using the book "Christ All in All" as a devotional, I'm reading just one sermon a day, but each one is full of rich doctrine!
Christ is to His church the only sovereign and supreme head. The head has the preeminence in the body. It is placed by nature uppermost, and all the rest of the members below it. The Lord Jesus is uppermost, above all and over all.
The office of the head is to show the body whither to go and what to do. There, the eyes are seated, as in a watchtower. Whereinsoever we have need at any time of guidance, we must look to Him.
Many are tied to Christ by an outward profession that are not grafted into Him. There may be class eyes and wooden legs fastened by art to the body. And those wooden legs may have silk stockings, and yet they are not of the body.
As the head sympathizes with the members, so the member sympathizes with the head. If a blow be offered at the head, the hand will venture a cut to save it. Are we affected with the dishonor done to the Lord Jesus by the wickedness that abounds in the midst of us?

Saturday, September 2, 2017

Christ All in All: Christ is Raiment to Us

I'm reading a series of sermons by Philip Henry (Matthew Henry the Bible Commentator's father), and thought I would share some quotes as I go along. Using the book "Christ All in All" as a devotional, I'm reading just one sermon a day, but each one is full of rich doctrine!
"Two things in Christ are the garment: His merit and righteousness—we must put on this for our justification—and his Spirit and Grace—we must put on this for our sanctification...neither of these can possibly be had otherwise than by putting on Christ. There is no justification but by His merit, no sanctification but by His Spirit."
"The Lord Jesus Christ is a costly garment, the dearest and most costly garment that ever was. We may judge of its excellency by its price."
"Lo, here is a costly robe indeed—not to us that must wear it (it costs us nothing but the accepting and putting it on), but to Him that made and prepared it. It cost Him dear. "
"Having bought [the garments of Christ] we must put them on and wear them. Not as a hat to put off to everyone we meet; not as a cloak to be worn only when we go abroad; but as your inner garment to be worn next to you, and upper garment, and above all these, as your entire garment. Christ must be your all in all: your day clothes; your night clothes. Put Him on daily and duly, constantly and continually. It is a good meditation, when we are putting on your clothes, we must put on bowels of mercies, charity, humility, meekness, or, which includes all, the Lord Jesus Christ. If so, when we die, we will put on better clothes of glory. Christ will never put them off that put Him on."