Saturday, August 12, 2017

Christ All in All: Christ is the Foundation

I'm reading a series of sermons by Philip Henry (Matthew Henry the Bible Commentator's father), and thought I would share some quotes as I go along. Using the book "Christ All in All" as a devotional, I'm reading just one sermon a day, but each one is full of rich doctrine!
"Had the apostles and prophets been asked, one by one, "Who is your foundation? On whom do you build for life and happiness, they would have said, "Jesus Christ." He was their all in all and therefore should be ours."

"There is no rearing a building without a foundation. We have each of us a building to rear, and what foundation have we? None in ourselves—no righteousness of our own to commend us to God, no strength or ability to anything that is good."
"The Church is a living building. No other is so...All the materials in this building are men and women made spiritually alive—quickened with divine quickening, such as once were dead in trespasses and sins but are now otherwise, alive to God."
"It is a great privilege to be of that building whereof Christ is the foundation."

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