Thursday, November 3, 2016

Warbling Wednesday Week 3

Still not Wednesday. However.

This week's winner is: Say Something by Christina Aguilera

One of my ten-yearold students is learning this piano solo arrangement of the song:

Here is a live version in Seattle that has the words with it as well (by Pentatonix)

I have had this stuck in my head on and off for a few weeks now, actually, except I only knew the first line, which, as all of you know, gets old very quickly. The aforementioned student and I were working on it this week's lesson, though, so I now know the first verse or so. 

At this point I feel like I should make the disclaimer that this is the only current "love song" that I know. The rest I am aware of were popular when my Mom and Dad were in high school. My "with it" status is pretty much limited to the knowledge that Piano Guys exist, and the vague idea that ankle boots are in right now. I don't have any, but other people do and there seem to be a lot in shoe stores at the moment, so I am assuming that is the case.

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