Thursday, October 20, 2016

Warbling Wednesday Week One

I teach piano morning and afternoon on Wednesdays, and our church's choir practice is in the evening, and therefore I have lots of songs running around in my head on that particular day of the week. So I thought, not having many blog post ideas running around in my head through any day of the week really, I could start a weekly segment that consisted of posting the song most stuck in my head each week and helpfully get it stuck in yours. You are welcome in advance.

The winner for this week is:

Stars from Les Miserables. I have Rebekah to thank for this gift. She bought a dress that has stars on it, and every time I see it I sing the first word of the second verse "Stars...", and then have the rest of it stuck in my head for the rest of the day. For those who care, I stole from a piano arrangement of this song the 6/8 arpeggio left hand chordal pattern's beginning with the lowest notes descending in a diatonic scale (though the chords are not always in root inversion) as a springboard for my "Not all Those who Wander are Lost" piano composition this last summer. The chords numbers I use are not identical, and I carry the pattern for a full octave down and then back up with different chords again, but I took the germ of the idea from this arrangement.

This is, actually, one of my favorite non-sacred songs at the moment, but enough is as good as a feast, even if a spoonful of sugar (liking the song) helps the medicine (having it stuck in my head ALL. WEEK.) go down. Well, now I have a different song stuck in my head until Rebekah wears her dress again.


  1. Well I watched those videos (very cool - Les Mis is the best) and then I ended up at Richard Kittelstad's mashup of Phantom of the Opera and Les Miserables but now I'm listening to Spotify so I doubt I'll have any particular song stuck in my head tonight. Unless I've memorized the theme to "Atlantis," since that album's been on repeat while I attempt a paper.

  2. Hey, do have a recording or video of your song? I'ld love to hear it
    -Natalie F


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