Thursday, February 23, 2017

Large Family Idiosyncrasies #5: Saved by the Bell

When there are twelve people living on ten acres, one does not want to always be shouting to get the attention of children who might be playing in the field, on the volleyball court, basketball court, all the way out in the woods, or picking apples or blackberries in the orchard. We did not get quite as creative as the Von Trapp family, but we have come up with a system to communicate without damaging our vocal chords.

An old Navy bell hangs on our back porch, and we ring it to send certain messages to any within earshot:

One ring. If we need a certain child, ring the bell once and then call out the name of whoever is needed. The bell gets everyone's attention so that they can hear the shouted name, rather than it being drowned out by other shouting that might (possibly) be going on at the time.

Two rings. There is fresh coffee in the house available to the first comers.

Three rings. Mom and Dad need to come back to the house. They often walk up and down the road in the afternoon, and often a conflict comes up back at the house that requires their attention before their walk is finished.

Four rings. Ask not for whom the bell tolls, it tolls for thee. We also call this "All hands on deck". Everyone is to come back to the house as quickly as they can. Usually used for lunch/dinner calls, as well as picking up the house, and time for church/getting ready for church.

Frenetic ringing of any number over four: major emergency, imminent danger, or (if Mom and Dad are absent) catastrophic personality clash.

There are two drawbacks to this generally excellent system: if friends and relations are standing nearby we try to warn them before ringing, as it is quite startling if heard unexpectedly at close quarters, and sometimes when visitors come to the house for the first time they are confused, and try to use it as a doorbell.


  1. The coffee bell is my personal favorite. Even though I'm not one of the study inhabitants. :) This post was awesome.

  2. Mom has trouble remembering which is which. Lol


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