Friday, July 24, 2015

Deadline, by Randy Alcorn—Review

For every book I read there is a slightly different reason behind why I initially pick it up. Because it’s within arm’s reach, the only one available that I’ve never read before, the title, a recommendation, an interesting premise, because I know it’s a classic or recognize the author, the cover design or subject matter, and sometimes just the feel and smell of it. With Deadline, the main purpose in my reading was to see what good, modern, christian fiction writing can look like, in hopes of improving my own writing... read more about Deadline at A Well Cultivated Mind.

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Changing Direction

If you are reading this, I would hope you have noticed that the name of our blog just changed. We wanted to make it broader, to include many aspects of our life and any random ramblings we happen to come up with. The idea behind “preparing for the ultimate career” (being a homemaker) is that everything we do is preparation for the future, and ought to be intentional preparation. 

So…what will this blog look like from now on? No idea, really. I have no doubt we’ll keep talking about the Bible, and what we’ve read recently. Beyond that, you’ll probably hear a lot about stuff we’re doing—at school, church, and home, from the far flung reaches of the globe (that last one is highly unlikely, but you never know)—and hopefully a little bit of the “why” behind what we do. 

I’ll also probably post book reviews and creative writing every so often, from my other blog: A Well Cultivated Mind. 

Hopefully, we can encourage other young ladies pursuing a career in homemaking, and share a few insider jokes and tricks of the trade along the way.